Monday, June 13, 2011

Art Class

Here are pictures from Brian's first summer art workshop. He is doing a six-week class on famous works of art in different genres, and the kids get to learn about the artist and the techniques they used, and then create their own similar piece. We all had a lot of fun on Saturday painting like Van Gogh. At the end of the class, we will hold a gallery event, where all the parents can come see the children's work on display. It will be so FUN! Lovin' life.


  1. Yeah! Halley's are back... I haven't checked up on you guys in a bit and now that I've returned, I see you've been busy updating your blog. So fun to see what you've been up to and so glad that you guys are doing well and loving life. Love the art camp idea! I bet the kids eat it up. :)

  2. hey Emily! I'm sorry I never got your address to send you an invite. I am having my baby shower Saturday July 2nd at 12- 2pm at the Old Spagethi Factor in Midvale. I would love to see you and you should bring the girls! Hope all is well. BTW it's a girl!
